Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Let’s celebrate America’s Independence Day a little early with a “1776” themed workout.
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD as prescribed (Rx):
4 rounds for time:
17 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)
7 burpees
6 handstand push-ups
Even on Independence Day, I prefer beginners to perform Russian rather than American kettlebell swings. They are simply safer, and I want you to be feeling great for tomorrow’s celebration! Beginners can also modify the burpees and perform seated dumbbell presses rather than the handstand push-ups. A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:
Scaled 1:
4 rounds for time:
17 Russian kettlebell swings (20lb, 15lb)
7 elevated, no push-up burpees
6 seated dumbbell presses (10lb, 5lb)
Perhaps something between the Rx version and the beginner version of the WOD is right for you today. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
4 rounds for time:
17 American kettlebell swings (35lb, 22lb)
7 step-back burpees
6 box handstand push-ups
Your score is the amount of time it takes you to complete today’s workout. If you’d like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: