We will end the week with a tabata-style workout consisting of scales, mountain climbers, bear crawl, leg raises, and planks. In the first tabata of today’s WOD, you will cycle through each scale variation twice. That is, you will perform a front scale on your left foot for 20 seconds, then a front scale on your right foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on your left foot for 20 seconds, then a back scale on your right foot for 20 seconds. You will then repeat all four movements one more time.
In the next three tabatas, you will cycle through mountain climbers, bear crawl, butt kicks, and planks. That means that you will perform 20 seconds of mountain climbers, followed by 20 seconds of bear crawl, followed by 20 seconds of butt kicks, followed by 20 seconds of plank hold, then 20 more seconds of mountain climbers, followed by 20 more seconds of bear crawl, followed by 20 more seconds of butt kicks, followed by 20 more seconds of plank hold. You will rest 90 seconds between each tabata.
To time today’s workout using the SmartWOD timer app:
(1) Press “TABATA”.
(2) Select 8 rounds of 0:20 work, 0:10 rest.
(3) Click on the plus sign beside “Add sets”.
(4) Select 4 sets with 1:30 minutes of rest between sets.
(5) Press "START TIMER".
Everyone will perform the same workout today. A beginner will naturally perform fewer reps and hold exercises a shorter time than an advanced athlete. That’s okay! Just take breaks and slow down as needed. You can do it!
Tabata 1 - Scales (front left, front right, back left, back right)
Rest 90 seconds
Tabata 2 - Rotate between the following four movements:
Mountain climbers
Bear crawl
Butt kicks
Plank hold
Rest 90 seconds
Tabata 3 - Rotate between mountain climbers, bear crawl, butt kicks, and plank hold
Rest 90 seconds
Tabata 4 - Rotate between mountain climbers, bear crawl, butt kicks, and plank hold
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: