We will start our week with a tough 9/11 Memorial WOD (“Workout Of the Day”). Please notice that most of the movements in today’s workout are a little more challenging than I typically program. The box jumps are higher, the weights are heavier, and the pull-ups are the more difficult chest-to-bar variety. Really try to push yourself today. Eleven repetitions is a small enough number to attempt a tougher variation than usual. However, it is also important to be smart! Pick scaling options that are challenging but that you can perform safely. No workout is worth being injured for, and that includes today’s WOD!
9/11 Memorial WOD
For time:
2001 meter run or row
11 box jumps (30in., 24in.)
11 thrusters (125lb, 85lb)
11 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups
11 power cleans (175lb, 115lb)
11 handstand push-ups
11 American kettlebell swings (70lb, 53lb)
11 toes-to-bar
11 deadlifts (175lb, 115lb)
11 push presses (125lb, 85lb)
2001 meter run or row
Beginners can modify today’s workout in a number of ways. First, the 2001 meter run or row at the beginning of the workout can be taken out. Next, the barbell movements can be replaced with dumbbell variations. Try to go a little heavier with the dumbbells today, though. It’s okay if you need to break up a movement into a couple of sets to get through it. Instead of burpee pull-ups, beginners can perform their chosen burpee modification and then perform a ring row. Try to pick a more challenging burpee today. If you normally perform elevated, no push-up burpees, consider doing elevated burpees with a push-up or step-back, no push-up burpees to the floor today. You know your body best. Push yourself, but stay safe! A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:
Scaled 1:
For time:
11 box jumps or box step-ups to a challenging but safe height
11 dumbbell thrusters (12lb, 8lb) or air squats or sit-to-stands
11 elevated burpees into ring rows
11 dumbbell power cleans (15lb, 12lb)
11 wall push-ups
11 Russian kettlebell swings (20lb, 15lb)
11 toes-to-rig
11 kettlebell deadlifts (35lb, 22lb)
11 dumbbell push presses (12lb, 8lb)
2001 meter run or row
Perhaps something between the experienced version and the beginner version of the WOD is right for you today. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
For time:
2001 meter run or row
11 box jumps (24in., 20in.)
11 thrusters (95lb, 65lb)
11 burpee pull-ups or burpees into jumping pull-ups
11 power cleans (125lb, 95lb)
11 box handstand push-ups or regular push-ups
11 American kettlebell swings (53lb, 35lb)
11 knees-to-elbows
11 deadlifts (125lb, 95lb)
11 push presses (95lb, 65lb)
2001 meter run or row
Your score is the total amount of time it takes you to complete today’s workout. If you’d like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: