Tomorrow we will celebrate our loved ones. Today let’s celebrate ourselves! The workout today is a slow-paced, recovery WOD. Move through the movements in today’s workout in an unhurried, unforced manner. We will not be scoring today’s WOD, so put on some calming music and feel free to spend more time on the movements that feel good and less time on the movements that don’t.
Everyone will be performing the same WOD today:
Love Yourself
For 12 minutes:
5-30 seconds of sumo squat stretch
5-30 seconds of forward bend stretch
5-30 seconds of plank
5-30 seconds of downward-facing dog stretch
5-30 seconds of child’s pose
5-30 seconds of cobra stretch
5-30 seconds of plank
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: