Today’s WOD (workout of the day) is a 15 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) containing handstand push-ups and heavy power cleans. You will alternate between five repetitions of each, trying to complete as many reps as possible in the 15 minutes.
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD as prescribed (Rx):
15 minute AMRAP:
5 handstand push-ups
5 power cleans (135lb, 95lb)
Usually I suggest seated dumbbell presses for athletes who aren’t ready for handstand push-ups, but I want everyone to get inverted today. So if you can’t perform handstand push-ups, please bear crawl for 50 feet each round instead. It’s okay to estimate this distance! A beginner’s version of today’s WOD could look like this:
Scaled 1:
15 minute AMRAP:
50 foot bear crawl
5 dumbbell hang power cleans (15lb, 8lb) or hang power cleans (15lb trainer bar)
If you aren’t ready for full handstand push-ups, today would be a good day to practice kicking up into a handstand. You can also practice lowering your head down to a mat then bringing your feet down. These are important steps to being able to do handstand push-ups. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
15 minute AMRAP:
5 handstand kick-ups (with descent if desired)
5 dumbbell power cleans (35lb, 25lb) or power cleans (75lb, 55lb)
Please listen to your body, and pick the version of the workout that is right for you. You can always adjust mid-WOD if you find that the modifications you’ve picked are too easy or too difficult.
Your score is the number of reps you complete during the 15 minute AMRAP. If you would like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: