I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday, but for all the lonely hearts out there, I present a workout called “Valentine’s Gone Bad.” In this WOD, you will perform three rounds of five different movements - mountain climbers, dumbbell box step-ups, inchworm push-ups, high knees, and rowing for calories - for one minute each. After the fifth station each round, you will take a one minute break.
If you are using the Smart WOD timer, you can use the EMOM feature to time today’s workout. Simply select “EMOM” and then choose “Every 1 for 17.” Please remember, though, that unlike in an EMOM, there is no set number of repetitions to perform each minute. The goal is to accumulate as many total repetitions as you can. Pace yourself. That third round will be tough!
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
Valentine’s Gone Bad
3 rounds for total reps in 17 minutes:
1 minute mountain climbers
1 minute dumbbell box step-ups (35lb, 25lb), (24in., 20in.)
1 minute inchworm push-ups
1 minute high knees
1 minute row for calories
1 minute rest
Today’s WOD scales automatically, as beginners will naturally perform fewer reps than advanced athletes. However, beginners can scale other aspects of the workout as well. Please use a weight and box height that is safe for you. A beginner’s version of today’s workout might look like this:
Scaled 1:
3 rounds for total reps in 17 minutes:
1 minute mountain climbers
1 minute dumbbell box step-ups to a comfortable height (10lb, 5lb)
1 minute inchworms
1 minute high knees
1 minute row for calories
1 minute rest
Perhaps something between the experienced version and the beginner version of the WOD is right for you today. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
3 rounds for total reps in 17 minutes:
1 minute mountain climbers
1 minute dumbbell box step-ups to a comfortable height (20lb, 15lb)
1 minute inchworms to kneeling push-ups
1 minute high knees
1 minute row for calories
1 minute rest
This WOD will push you to your limits. Please listen to your body, and pick the version of the workout that is right for you. You can always adjust mid-WOD if you find that the modifications you’ve picked are too easy or too difficult.
Your score is the total number of reps you complete during the 17 minutes. For the row, 1 calorie counts as 1 rep. If you’d like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: