Today’s WOD (workout of the day) consists of five rounds of 10 handstand push-ups, 20 deadlifts, 30 leg raises, and 40 double unders with a three minute rest between each round. Please pick your exercise modifications and deadlift weight carefully, as you should be able to run through each round fairly quickly with minimal rest. Record the time it takes you to complete each round separately. If you are short on time today, simply consider performing fewer rounds. After all, some workout is better than no workout!
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD as prescribed (Rx):
5 rounds, each for time:
10 handstand push-ups
20 deadlifts (135lb, 95lb)
30 leg raises
40 double unders
Rest 3 minutes
Beginners can reduce the number of rounds and the number of repetitions. Beginners can also substitute a downward-facing dog stretch hold for the handstand push-ups, kettlebell deadlifts for deadlifts with a barbell, and single unders or imaginary jump rope for double unders. A beginner’s version of today’s workout could look like this:
Scaled 1:
4 rounds, each for time:
20 second downward-facing dog stretch
20 kettlebell deadlifts (35lb, 22lb)
20 leg raises
20 single unders or 40 imaginary jump rope
Rest 3 minutes
Perhaps something between the Rx version and the beginner version of the WOD is right for you today. Another variation of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
4 rounds, each for time:
10 box handstand push-ups or seated dumbbell presses (35lb, 20lb)
20 deadlifts (95lb, 65lb)
30 leg raises
20 double unders or 80 single unders
Rest 3 minutes
Please listen to your body, and pick the version of the workout that is right for you. You can always adjust mid-WOD if you find that the modifications you’ve picked are too easy or too difficult.
You will have 4 or 5 different scores today, according to how many rounds you choose to complete. Your scores are the amounts of time it takes you to complete each round of today’s workout, not counting the rest time. If you’d like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: