Today’s WOD will work your entire body by challenging you to complete five rounds of two wall walks, ten hang power cleans, and twenty lunges as quickly as possible. Please note: Though the goal of the workout is to finish quickly, please move through the wall walks carefully, as this is both safer and more beneficial. Also, choose a weight for the power cleans that you can move quickly and well. This is not the workout to attempt a heavier power clean. Instead, go a bit lighter, and try to complete the sets of hang power cleans as unbroken as possible.
If you are an experienced athlete and feel capable, please perform the following WOD:
5 rounds for time:
2 wall walks
10 hang power cleans (95lb, 65lb)
20 alternating lunges
Beginners can perform inchworms rather than wall walks and dumbbell hang power cleans rather than hang power cleans with a barbell. The rep scheme for today’s workout can also be modified. A beginner’s version of today’s WOD could look like this:
Scaled 1:
5 rounds for time:
2 inchworms
8 dumbbell hang power cleans (5lb, 3lb)
16 modified lunges
It is also completely okay to do something in between the experienced version and the beginner version of today’s WOD. Scale the weights and movements so that they are appropriate for you today. Modification options for the wall walk are discussed in the link at the bottom of today’s post. Another version of today’s WOD might look like this:
Scaled 2:
5 rounds for time:
2 partial wall walks
10 hang power cleans (45lb, 35lb)
20 alternating lunges
Your score is the amount of time it takes you to complete today’s workout. If you’d like, leave your score in the comment section below!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: