Today’s WOD is a “Fight Gone Bad” style workout. You will perform three rounds of five different movements - high knees, wall sits, inchworms, butt kicks, and flutter kicks - for one minute each. After the fifth exercise, you will take a one minute break. If you are using the Smart WOD app, you can use the EMOM feature set to 17 minutes to time today’s workout. Pace yourself. That third round will be tough.
Please perform the following WOD as prescribed (Rx):
3 rounds for total reps in 17 minutes:
1 minute high knees
1 minute wall sit
1 minute inchworms
1 minute butt kicks
1 minute flutter kicks
1 minute rest
This WOD scales automatically, so there’s no scaled version. Simply take breaks as necessary and work hard!
Not sure what some of the movements are? Click on the following links for more information: