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Gyms can be scary, intimidating places. It's hard to know what to do, how to do it, and where to start. That is where the Community Fitness Club comes in. Every weekday I will provide a Workout of the Day (WOD) along with scaling options and links to tutorial videos. You simply complete the WOD to the best of your abilities and record your results.

The Community Fitness Club is not about chasing perfection. Instead, it is about pushing your limits in the gym so that you feel stronger, more confident, and more capable in your everyday life. I hope that together we can build a community that supports and encourages each other as we pursue our individual fitness goals and train for life.

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Friday - 6/12/20

Warm-up We will end the week by doing a tabata of L-sit variations followed by a 10 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) of mountain...

Monday - 6/1/20

Warm-up We made it to June, Community Fitness Club! Let's celebrate by getting really sweaty! Today's WOD alternates between mountain...

Tuesday - 6/2/20

Warm-up A couple of months ago, we learned about the movements known collectively as SLIPS: scales, L-sits, inversions, planks, and...

Wednesday - 6/3/20

Warm-up Yesterday we performed L-sits and planks. Today we will work on the other SLIPS movements in a simple tabata-style workout that...

Thursday - 6/4/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD (workout of the day) is a long one. It combines lunges, toes-to-bar, and push-ups. Try to keep a steady pace...

Friday - 6/5/20

Warm-up Today’s workout is a (hopefully) fun E2MOM. Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds we will perform 2 wall walks, and then we will row as...

Monday - 5/25/20

Warm-up Happy Memorial Day, Community Fitness Club! It has become a tradition in many American fitness communities to perform a workout...

Tuesday - 5/26/20

Warm-up Yesterday’s WOD was quite extreme, so today we will focus on recovery. Today’s workout is a slow-paced WOD that we’ve done a...

Wednesday - 5/27/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD is a short AMRAP (As Many Rounds or Reps as Possible). You will be alternating between power cleans and leg raises...

Thursday - 5/28/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD consists of heavy Russian kettlebell swings and box jumps. Kettlebell swings increase your muscular power, while box...

Friday - 5/29/20

Warm-up We will end the week with a workout that is both a physical challenge and a mental challenge. In four 3-minute intervals, you...

Monday - 5/18/20

Warm-up To begin our week, we will perform a descending ladder of inchworm push-ups and dumbbell thrusters, from ten repetitions down to...

Tuesday - 5/19/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD (workout of the day) consists of lunges and mountain climbers. This workout will challenge your cardiovascular...

Wednesday - 5/20/20

Warm-up Today’s workout will begin with three rounds of power cleans, pull-ups, and burpees, and it will end with a challenging row....

Thursday - 5/21/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD is a quick, challenging AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) containing box jumps and kettlebell swings. Though the goal...

Friday - 5/22/20

Warm-up We will close out this week with a 12 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds or Reps As Possible) that focuses on your core. I like ending...

Monday - 5/11/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD (workout of the day) is deceptively difficult. It consists of 10 rounds of 10 wall balls and 10 kettlebell swings....

Tuesday - 5/12/20

Warm-up Today’s workout is an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) consisting of box jumps and deadlifts, two of my personal favorite...

Wednesday - 5/13/20

Warm-up Today’s WOD (workout of the day) only contains two movements, but by the time you finish it, you will have rowed one mile,...

Thursday - 5/14/20

Warm-up Today’s workout is a 20 minute AMRAP consisting of rounds of 20 air squats and 10 power cleans. Pace yourself out there today!...

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